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 Learning Target of the Day:

First Semester

Week 1 Focus Question: What is the purpose of photography - Dorothea Lange


By the end of the class today, students will have a clear understanding on how collaboration/cooperation, classroom rules, course,fundamentals/concepts and expectations, evidenced by reviewing syllabus, teacher website and creating snap meetings.


By the end of the class today, students will learnhow to create their own portfolio website evidenced by navigating, editing, and creating their own design on the website.


By the end of class today, students will be able to identify six elements of design for striking photots, evidenced by reviewing a power-point and writing the academic vocabulary terms.

Week 2 Focus Question: What is Focus and composition?


By the end of class today, students will complete an autobiography on their digital portfolios, evidenced by following the rubric provided and uploading autobiography to their digital portfolio under "About Me" webpage.


By the end of the class today, students will demonstarte their skill level on photo editing/photoshop skills evidenced by by manipulating and critiquing a sample photograph, uploading a before and after final edit to their digital portfolio.


By the end of class today, students will be able to edit and caption 5 best photos evidence by manipulate one on Photoshop and uploading a before and after to their digital portfolios. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to edit and caption 5 daily photos and learn about camera angles and series evidence by uploading photos onto their academic digital portfolio (personal website) and completing a documentary photography assignment.

By the end of class today, students will be able to edit and caption 5 daily photos and learn about camera angles and series evidence by uploading photos onto their academic digital portfolio (personal website) and completing a documentary photography assignment.

Week 3 Focus Question: What is the purpose and function of camera angles?


By the end of class today, students will be able to edit and upload documentary event  photos and  choose a series (theme, subject) for a photography focus, evidence by uploading photos onto their academic digital portfolio of their documentary photography assignment and researching series photography. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to edit and upload long shot and extreme log shot photos (edit one)  evidence by uploading photos onto their academic digital portfolio.

By the end of class today, students will be able to edit and upload Cityscape long shot and extreme log shot photos (edit one)  and link their digital portfolios to teacher site evidence by uploading photos onto their academic digital portfolio and teacher site.


By the end of class today, students will be able to evaluate a chosen photo-edit of the week and edit their medium, close-up and extreme close-up images, evidence by completing a critique peer evaluation document and uploading images to digital portfolio.


Week 4 Focus Question: What are the Elements of Art (with a focus on Photography)?


By the end of class today, students will be able to edit an image captured for photo recreation and learn about camera angle views evidence by uploading final product on digital portfolio and reading/writing the definition angle view vocabulary. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to  recreate an image of before and after and explain the definition of certain angle views evidence by uploading final product on digital portfolio and demonstrating completion of vocabulary terms.

By the end of class today, students will be able to convey thir understanding about camera angles evidence by capturing angle images and uploading final product on digital portfolio, as well as completing their angle vocabulary. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding on elements of art evidence by editing and describing their captured pictures on their digital portfolio. 

By the end of class today, students will be able to manipulate their first GIF on Photoshop CS6 and complete their Critique#2 evidence by uploading the final edit and evaluation on their digital portfolio.


Week 5 Focus Question: What are the Elements of Art (with a focus on Photography)?

By the end of class today, students will be able to convey their understanding about Golden Light in a photograph and explain its features, evidence by uploading the final edit and evaluation on their digital portfolio and completing their Golden Light Questions.

By the end of class today, students will be able to convey their understanding about basic photo concepts and describe their photo edits evidence by completing successfully uploading description and images to their digital portfolio.

By the end of class today, students will be able to convey their understanding about basic photo concepts and describe their photo edits evidence by completing successfully uploading description and images to their digital portfolio.

By the end of class today, students will be able to organize and structure their assignments webpage evidence by uploading their images, edits and descriptions in order by date onto their digital portfolio.

By the end of class today, students will be able to organize and structure their assignments webpage evidence by uploading their images, edits and descriptions in order by date onto their digital portfolio.

Week 6 Focus Question: What Is Composition?

By the end of class today, students will be able to create a text on Photoshop and upload their portrait images by editing one, evidence by uploading both assignments to their digital portfolio. 

By the end of class today, students will be able to combine layers of text and images on editing software and understand daily vocabulary, evidence by uploading document to digital portfolio and completing their vocabulary definitions.  

By the end of class today, students will be able to refine portrait images and understand daily vocabulary, evidence by editing on Photoshop CS6 and completing their vocabulary definitions.  

By the end of class today, students will be able to demonstrate composition in their portrait project evidence by completing and uploading final product to their digital portfolios. 

Week 7 Focus Question: How can we set mood and story telling in an image?

By the end of class today, students will be able to discuss the variety of portrait styles, what types of accessories make creating portraits easier, evidence by reading and answering questions in Fig.5-2 thru Fig. 5-5. 

By the end of class today, students will learn and understand  Rule of Thirds in Photography, evidence by applying and describing it on their Portrait Image. 

By the end of class today, students will apply Rules of Thirds to their images evidence by creating a 3x3 chart on Photoshop CS6 editor and croping it to the correct focus points and sections. 


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate they can improve composition and balance in their photographs evidence by applying the Rule of Thirds. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to analyze and describe their edited Rule of Thirds Image evidence by completing and submitting their Critique #4. 

Week 8 Focus Question: How do you apply three types of Balances in photography?

By the end of class today, students will be able to evaluate their digital portfolio evidence by ensuring completion of vocabulary terms and composing photographs in order.

By the end of class today, students will learn how to avoid distracting background when taking photographs, evidence by capturing portrait images with good composition. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to demonstrate understanding of types of balance, evidence by capturing photographs that portray symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial balance. 

By the end of class today, students will be able to evaluate composition and design quality in their photographs, evidence by analyzing work and completing Critique #5.

Week 9: Focus Question: How to demonstrate perspective & scale in photography?


By the end of class today, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of scale & perspective in photography, evidence by reading and capturing images that portray scale & perspective. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of scale & perspective in photography, evidence by capturing images that portray scale & perspective and uploading them to their DP.

By the end of class today, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Form and Function evidence by capturing images of visual communication and mood. 

By the end of class today, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Form and Function evidence by creating a digital photogram design and uploading it to their DP. 

By the end of class today, students will be able to apply aesthetic knowledge to the creation of unique and original photographs, evidence by capturing/uploading 5 basic aesthetic photographs (Leading Lines, Rule of Thirds, Rule of Odds, Triangles and Breaking Symmetry). In conclusion, they will complete their critique #6.

Week 10: Focus Question: What are Careers in Photography?

By the end of class today, students will apply their Art & Design Skills from Unit 4  evidence by uploading and captioning their Fall Photographs. Students will begin and will begin Unit 5 Careers in Photography evidence by Brainstorming about Business in Photography. 

10/5 - 10/6
By the end of class today, students will demonstrate understanding of the role of photo stylist and other career positions on real world photography projects evidence by completing a Career Role Organizer and uploading their unique name images to their DP. 

By the end of class today, students will understand the role and function of professional organizations, industry association and organized labor in productive society evidence by completing a Career Research Worksheet,

Week 11 Focus: Understanding Careers in Photography and its Process

By the end of class today, students will understand the role and function of professional organizations, industry association and organized labor in productive society evidence by completing a Career Research Worksheet,

By the end of class today, students will learn and understand the basics in business marketing evidence by researching and completing their career research questionnaire.


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate understanding of product and purpose in photography, evidence by completing a research in jobs in photography. 

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate understanding of career positions in photography, evidence by finalizing a career research and informational interview.  

Week 12: Focus Question: What are options in higher education?


By the end of class today, students will display their own Career in Photography and Jobs.

By the end of class today, students will understand basic skills needed to be successful academically and professionally, evidence by reviewing and discussing an Educational and Career Powerpoint presentation.

By the end of today, period 3 students will be tested on subject matter skills evidence by taking the PSAT exam. 

By the end of class today, students will explore personal qualifications needed to success in careers, evidence by beginning a research and structure plan. 

By the end of class today, students will explore personal qualifications needed to success in careers, evidence by beginning a research and structure plan.                        


Week 13: Focus Question: How can I become aware of career opportunities in education?                                                                      

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate full understanding of opportunities in education  evidence by creating a Personal Education Plan PowerPoint Presentation.

By the end of class today, students will evaluate their partners Career Presentation evidence by creating and posting a blog by giving feedback. 


Week 14 Focus: How to adjust, apply and refine images using camera controls

By the end of class today, students demonstrate proper method of holding a camera evidence by demonstrating and evaluating each others position and image capture with their partner. 

By the end of class today, students demonstrate understanding of the use of Aperture and Depth of Field, evidence by correctly applying function when capturing images. 

By the end of class today, students demonstrate understanding of the use of Shutter Speed and Movement, evidence by correctly applying its function when capturing images. 


By the end of class today, students will evaluate their use of Aperture and Depth of Field evidence by completing a Blog Critique and responding with a self evaluation.

Week 15 Focus: Basic Functions of Camera Controls

By the end of class today, students will Demonstrate use of  Shutter Speed Priority on their camera evidence by capturing three images with different shutter speed settings and uploading them on their DP. 

By the end of class today, students will learn all about  ISO Camera Setting and what it consists of, evidence by reviewing a power point presentation and completing a peer review activity. 


By the end of class today, students will Demonstrate correct use of ISO  on their camera evidence by capturing three images with different ISO settings and uploading them on their DP.

By the end of class today, students will analyze their shutter speed and ISO captions evidence by critiquing and responding to their peers blog. 


Week 16 Focus: Basic Functions of Camera Controls  + Traditional Photography


By the end of class today, students will evaluate use of  camera settings together (Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO) evidence by researching an image to portray all settings. 


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between shutter speeds, aperture settings, ISO and exposure evidence by creating an quality image using proper camera settings. 

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between shutter speeds, aperture settings, ISO and exposure evidence by an quality image using proper camera settings. 

By the end of class today, students will learn how to correct defects on photographs evidence by using computer digital techniques on photoshop. 

By the end of class today, students will analyze their best digital corrected edit  evidence by critiquing and responding to their peers blog. 


Week 17 Focus: Traditional Photography and Digital Correcting

By the end of class today, students will apply digital techniques on photoshop for correcting defects, evidence by completing a corrected image on photoshop. 


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate they know how to digitally remove wrinkles and blemishes evidence by showing a before and after digital edited image. 

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate how to color correct color and black and white images using computer digital techniques evidence by restoring an image and color correcting using photoshop CS6. 

By the end of class today, students will analyze their best digital correction project  evidence by critiquing and responding to their peers blog. Upload Project

Second Semester

Week 1 Focus: What is the use of lighting and props?


By the end of class today, students will review best images in 2016 with the use of academic vocabulary acquired in first semester, evidence by analyzing, reviewing and describing four images.

By the end of class today, students will apply classroom collaboration and cooperation evidence by creating Snap Meeting Appointments.


By the end of class today, students will learn about studio lighting, evidence by analyzing the differences among images with studio lighting terminology.

By the end of class today, students will analyze one out of four best chosen image for 2016 National Geographic, evidence by critiquing and responding to their peers blog. 


Week 2 Focus: What is the use of lighting in photography? 

By the end of class today, students will learn about studio lighting,evidence by analyzing the differences among images with studio lighting terminology.

By the end of class today, students will have an understanding of studio lighting, lighting ratios, and lighting equipment, evidence by completing a studio light terminology and equipment chart. 

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate and understanding of the use of props and poses evidence by capturing and uploading images using props and poses to their digital portfolio. 

By the end of class today, student will digitally adjust and correct studio lighting evidence by editing a captured Studio Image on Photoshop. 


Week 3 Focus: How to produce quality lighting images
By the end of class today, student will understand methods of submitting computer generated work to teacher evidence by uploading completed captured lighting images  to their digital portfolio.

By the end of class today, student will produce color and black/white images under natural and studio lighting conditions evidence by capturing images under natural and studio lighting. 


By the end of class today, student will use appropriate software to design and produce professional-quality images evidence by professionally editing images on Photoshop CS6.​

By the end of class today, student will review and demonstrate understanding of the relationship in camera setting, evidence by reviewing a powerpoint and completing a chart in peers. 

By the end of class today, student will evaluate their best edit of the week evidence by creating and responding to their blog on their digital portfolio. 

Week 4 Focus: How to proper edit and produce quality images

By the end of class today, student will understand methods of submitting computer generated work to teacher evidence by uploading completed project images and academically describing each. 

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate and understanding of the use of props and poses evidence by capturing and uploading images using props and poses to their digital portfolio

By the end of class today, student will digitally adjust and correct studio lighting evidence by editing a captured Studio Image on Photoshop. 

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate and understanding of the use of props and poses evidence by capturing and uploading images using props and poses to their digital portfolio.

Week 5 Focus: Understanding the Utility of Props for Products + P.O.D Introduction

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate proper acquirement for the use of props and poses evidence by creating an advertisement that portrays prop us in products/portraits.  


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate proper acquirement for the use of props and poses evidence by finalizing an advertisement that properly portrays prop us in products/portraits.    

By the end of class today, students will understand the relationship between Principals of Design and photography evidence by capturing four Principals of Design  with their camera.


 By the end of class today, students will understand the relationship between elements in art and photography evidence by capturing four elements of art with their camera. 

Week 6 Focus: Producing Quality Images on Adobe Suite with Quality Princpals of Design and Elements of Art


By the end of class today, students will refine their digital portfolio evidence by organizing and describing each assign by date and title. 


By the end of class today, students will capture images that demonstrate Elements of Art understanding evidence by ensuring composition and aesthetics.  


By the end of class today, student will evaluate their best captured/edited Principal of Design image, evidence by creating/responding to their blog on their digital portfolio. 

Week 7 Focus: Digital Imaging and Photography

By the end of class today, students will understand the techniques to alter their photographs, evidence by reading and academically blogging about Painting with Light. 


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate understanding of current photographic technologies and processes evidence by painting with light on with DSLR camera.  

By the end of class today, students will finalize their Painting with Light assignment, evidence by describing and posting it on their Digital Portfolio.


Week 8 Focus: Digital Imaging and Photography

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate knowledge in digital imaging evidence by editing themselves into a historical event or individual using photoshop cs6 software. 


By the end of class today, students will finalize their digital image evidence by properly illustrating and uploading their Historical Edit to their Digital Portfolio.

By the end of class today, students will complete an outline for their "Take a Vacation" project evidence by uploading an academic blog with visuals and illustrations. 


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate understanding of color, composition and design as it relates to traditional digital imaging, evidence by manipulating all chosen images into one document. 


By the end of class today, students will complete first draft of their digital imaging project, evidence by completing a visual representation on Photoshop CS6. 

Week 9 Focus: Digital Imaging and Photography

By the end of class today, students will complete final draft of their digital imaging project, evidence by completing a visual representation on Photoshop CS6.

By the end of class today, students will finalize their digital imaging project, evidence by uploading and academically describing their final project to their digital portfolio.


By the end of class today, students will learn about HDR photography, evidence by reading an HDR article and peer blogging about their academic understanding.

By the end of class today, students will apply HDR photography on their cameras, evidence by capturing five images in different shutter speed settings. .

By the end of class today, students will complete their HDR photography image, evidence by compressing and editing on Photoshop CS6. 


Week 10 Focus: Digital Imaging and Photography

By the end of class today, students will refine their digital portfolios evidence by using their web developing skills to correctly  illustrate, organize and upload all due assignments. 


By the end of class today, students will Finalize their HDR Image evidence by uploading and illustrating it to their digital portfolio. 


By the end of class today, students will learn how to digitally sketch and color, evidence by creating a self illustration portrait sketch draft on photoshop CS6.


By the end of class today, students will complete a second self illustration draft, evidence by digitally enhancing image on photoshop CS6. 


By the end of class today, students will Finalize their Self Illustration Portrait Sketch evidence by uploading and describing assignment on their Digital Portfolio. 

Week 11 Focus: Digital Imaging and Photography

4/3 -4/4
By the end of class today, students will refine line art project evidence by completing their final corrections on their self illustration second sketch. 

 4/5 - 4/6
By the end of class today, students will learn advance image manipulation evidence by creating an image with dust effect. 

By the end of class today, students will refine digital portfolios evidence by using their web developing skills to correctly illustrate, organize and upload CTE projects to their digital portfolios. 

Week 12 Focus: Business Practice Applications 

By the end of class today, students will create a business plan, evidence by completing the business outline form. 


By the end of class today, students will create a business  design evidence by sketching a business name and logo manually and digitally.  



By the end of class today, students will articulate their businesses mission evidence by writing a paragraph that portrays students business business purpose (goods/services). 

By the end of class today, students will create a business card evidence by editing their business logo/name and personal contact information on a 2.5x3.5 document on Photoshop. 

By the end of class today, students will learn about basic business marketing strategies evidence by completing a marketing questionnaire and chart. 

Week 13 Focus: Business Practice Applications 

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate understanding of marketing strategies evidence by creating/designing a brochure/postcard/poster.


By the end of class today, students will organize their business plan evidence by inserting all plan expectations into a powerpoint presentation. 


By the end of class today, students will prepare for a presentation evidence by practicing timing and visuals with their business partnership. 


By the end of class today, students will present their business plan evidence by explaining business concept and design to the class. 


By the end of class today, students will present their business plan evidence by explaining business concept and design to the class. 

Week 14 Focus: Original Works

By the end of class today, students will present their business plan evidence by explaining business concept and design to the class. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to discuss high quality digital photographic images evidence by translating a concept vocabulary word onto their TED Education Worksheet. 


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate understanding of image visual compact evidence by creating a personal book face image.

Week 15 Focus: Original Works

By the end of class today, students will demonstrate understanding of image visual compact evidence by creating/capturing a self book face portrait. 


By the end of class today, students will select appropriate images for composition evidence by correctly manipulating color, light, contrast on their "Travel Through Time" images. 


By the end of class today, students will capture images with same perspective and type of light, evidence by creating a seamless realism image.


Week 16 Focus: Occupational Knowledge and Skills

By the end of class today, students will manipulate light for multiple images evidence by creating one image given their perspective. 


By the end of class today, students will learn and participate in a presentation evidence by sketching and answering questions from FIDM presenter. 


By the end of class today, students will finalize their Realistic Surrealism image evidence by uploading and describing their final draft. 


By the end of class today, students will understand perspective distortion in architecture structure evidence by completing their Photography Architecture Worksheet. 

Week 17 

By the end of class today, students will understand still life photography evidence by reading and completing a still life photography worksheet and capturing a still life image of their own. 


By the end of class today, students will analyze real world connections in photography evidence by watching a TED TALK video and completing a compare/contrast work sheet.


By the end of class today, students will understand how color scheme and design relate to their living space, evidence by complete a color scheme worksheet. 

By the end of class today, students will refine their digital portfolios evidence by academically describing and uploading assignments. 

Week 18
 5/22 - 5/23
By the end of class today, students will understand the process of adobe training, evidence by successfully completing test training 1. 


By the end of class today, students will be able to understand qualities and behaviors that constitute a positive/professional work demeanor evidence by reviewing a power point and completing an internship worksheet. 


By the end of class today, students will refine their digital portfolios evidence by academically describing and uploading assignments. 


By the end of class today, students will demonstrate proficiency in Adobe Photoshop CS6 evidence by posting completed 95% training on their digital portfolio. 




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